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"O'Neil is a polished storyteller with a breezy style." 
The Sunday New York Times Book Review

An innovative new series that pairs a futuristic fiction novel with a non-fiction life-philosophy book.

The fiction novel is called A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation, and it depicts a future United States where everyone has everything they need—except a purpose. A new philosophy called The Unused Path has been embraced by many, and the government finds this increasingly disturbing.

The non-fiction book is called The Unused Path. While it is referenced extensively in the novel, this is a standalone non-fiction self-improvement and life-philosophy book. It contains solid advice and step-by-step techniques for living a more authentic life.

Only available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, in ebook or paperback.

"In-Body" uses science fiction to explore the personal debts we owe to others. Touching on PTSD and survivor guilt, it asks how much harm the living should risk in order to make peace with the dead. 

Vincent H. O'Neil brings a wealth of life experience to his writing. Over the years he has served as a paratrooper, a consultant, a risk manager, and an apprentice librarian.


A native of Massachusetts, he is a graduate of West Point and The Fletcher School. He won the St. Martin's Press "Malice Domestic" Writing Competition in 2005.


His award-winning debut novel, Murder in Exile, was the first book in a mystery series featuring the background-checker Frank Cole. It was followed by Reduced Circumstances, Exile Trust, and Contest of Wills.


His mystery novel Death Troupe is the first book in a theater-based mystery series featuring playwright Jack Glynn and the unusual members of the Jerome Barron Players theater troupe.


A long-time fan of horror, in 2013 he published Interlands, a horror novel set in Providence, Rhode Island. The book features graduate student Angela Morse, who is searching the local woods for a lost stone obelisk once worshiped by a colonial-era cult that perished at its feet. The sequel, Denizens, was released in 2015.


Most recently, HarperCollins published his five-novel military science fiction Sim War series. Written under the name Henry V. O'Neil, those books are Glory Main, Orphan Brigade, Dire Steps, CHOP Line, and Live Echoes.

His short fiction has appeared in several anthologies, as well as The Saturday Evening Post, Escape Pod, Andromeda Spaceways, Mystery Weekly, Lovecraftiana, Mystery Tribune, and Bourbon Penn magazines.